Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are “dying suddenly” in zoos worldwide

(Source: The Burning Platform)

See how many of those creatures have died “unexpectedly” since January, 2023, after they were “vaccinated” (for no reason)

“Words are simply not enough to express the magnitude of this unexpected loss.” Thus the Dallas Zoo lamented on its Facebook page, in announcing the untimely death (at 64) of Gregg Hudson, the zoo’s “visionary” president (who died after “a brief but valiant battle with cancer”).

We will duly note that “unexpected” human death in this week’s compilation; but here I want to mark the staggering toll that those “vaccines” have taken on zoo animals throughout the world. This wrenching catalogue is far longer and more detailed than the first such compilation that I posted in this space some months ago; and so I want to give my public thanks to Amber Parsons, a dedicated member of our research team, for her great work on this heartbreaking project.