(Source: Intelligent Froglegs)

EPISODE GOOF: My awesome R&D associate, Cari Kelemen inadvertently left out of the credits.

Apologies for the delay, but I had to take some personal time. Also this is the first episode without Aunt Jean AKA Jean Marie Copeland—the other ‘co-founder’ of Intellectual Froglegs.

I’m flattered that people believe otherwise— but as most of you know, Froglegs is a 1-man production… so the few ugly notes directed at my “slow and unprofessional’ production team— should be directed to me.

Branco pops by and we have fun with some awesome bad jokes—- and the ending music is one of my favorites… “16 Tons” by Tennessee Ernie Ford—but it’s done by Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top, Jeff Beck and video of Tennessee Ernie Ford that matches up great.