I’m a teacher and I will not be complicit

(Source: Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT) – Substack)

I have a pretty comfortable teaching career.  I’m leaving it at the end of this year.   

As the sole breadwinner for my household, I’ve been blessed to have an income that hit the six-digits for the first time ever last year.  I live near the school where I work—a rarity for most urban dwellers. My schedule and course load are really manageable and I have great benefits.   

After attempts to move the needle in my school district regarding gender ideology, I’ve concluded that I no longer have a clear conscience about working in a setting in which this issue affects me on an hourly (not daily – hourly) basis. And based on the publication that you’re reading this in, you can probably guess why. 

I would like to welcome you to my school’s teachers’ lounge, webinars, and faculty meetings to give you an idea of why our schools are becoming manufacturing plants producing dozens of trans-identifying kids.  I will also share a few things I attempted to do to change things, the fact that I failed, and why I have to leave.