‘Twitter Files’ compares Maine Sen. Angus King to Nixon if he ‘sniffed glue’

(Source: NY Post)

US Sen. Angus King compiled an “enemies list” of Twitter users that resembles something the late President Richard Nixon would have dreamed up if he “sniffed glue,” according to the latest installment of the “Twitter Files.”

In a series of Saturday tweets, independent journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that King’s campaign director spoke to a Twitter exec on Oct. 1, 2018, to complain about the activities of hundreds of users.

An internal company email — titled “Suspicious Accounts from Senator Angus King” — said the campaign official also “provided a very large list (attached) of 354 suspicious Twitter accounts they have identified.”

The reasons for citing the accounts included “Rand Paul visit excitement,” “Bot (averages 20 tweets a day” and “Being followed by rival Eric Brakey,” Taibbi said.