Bill Maher: ‘Woke Revolution’ Has ‘Striking Similarities’ To Mao’s Cultural Revolution

(Source: News Punch)

The woke revolution has striking similarities to China’s communist Cultural Revolution under Chairman Mao, according to HBO “Real Time” host Bill Maher, who slammed the intolerant left and pointed out that “we do have our own Red Guard here, but they do their rampaging on Twitter.”

“Because, again, in China, we saw how a revolutionary thought he could do a page-one rewrite of humans. Mao ordered his citizens to throw off the four olds: old thinking, old culture, old customs, and old habits. So, your whole life went in the garbage overnight, no biggie. And those who resisted were attacked by an army of purifiers called the Red Guard, who went around the country putting dunce caps on people…who didn’t take to being a new kind of mortal being.