Congressman Introduces Bill to Hold Big Pharma Liable for Injuries Caused by Mandated Shots

(Source: Need to Know News)

On November 30, 2022, Louie Gohmert, the former Republican Congressman from Texas who is now retired, introduced legislation to hold Big Pharma liable for injuries caused by publicly mandated ‘vaccines.’ Gohmert released this statement when he filed H.R. 9366: “The immense human suffering our country experienced due to the disgraceful COVID-19 vaccine mandates must never happen again. Through their reckless edict, the Biden Administration forced many Americans to choose between maintaining their livelihoods and protecting their bodily autonomy from an experimental vaccine—one that we now have come to learn does not protect against infection or transmission. Even more important than the financial ruin the mandates have caused to so many Americans are the clear and present dangers these vaccines can pose to the health and safety of those who have received it.”

In 1986, the the National Childhood Vaccine Injury (NCVI) Act was signed into law that shielded vaccine manufacturers from liability