WATCH: Basic Questions About the Constitution Stump Biden Judicial Nominee

(Source: Becker News)

USGNL note: Biden’s Judicial nominee from Washington State is clearly unqualified. She cannot answer basic questions regarding the US Constitution. Perhaps there should be some type of test that must be passed to show that they understand the Constitution, the law of the land which all government and judiciary must swear to uphold. How can you uphold something that you know nothing about?

“Judge, tell me what Article V of the Constitution does?” Senator Kennedy asked.

“Article 5 is not coming to mind at the moment,” Bjelkengren replied.

“How about Article  II?” Kennedy followed up.

“Neither is Article II,” she answered.

Senator Kennedy scratched his head and tried another one.

“Okay do you know what purposivism is?” he asked.

“In my 12 years as an Assistant Attorney General and my nine years serving as a judge, I was not faced with that precise question,” she responded.

“We are the highest trial court in Washington state,” she went on, “so I’m frequently faced with issues that I’m not familiar with and I thoroughly review the law our research and apply the law to the facts presented to me.”