Hollywood’s Awards Season Shows the Industry Is Getting More Woke—And Less Smart

(Source: Red State)

With more ceremonies leading up to the Oscars, Hollywood continues to make itself more irrelevant.

It used to be that this time of year I was actively immersed in the annual awards ceremonies. Not out of any adoration, mind you, but sitting back with cocktails and mocking the pompous histrionics that would get peppered with hyper-leftist political lectures, all while celebrating films few had seen. I have even done my share of live-blog coverage on this site, having fun at the expense of the luminary back-slapping.

But in recent years, my interest has evaporated. Gone are the parties and absent are the industry guides and advanced hype. The celebrities have become diminished, the films more obscure, and the politics have basically become infantile. Weeks ago I happened to stumble upon the broadcast of the Golden Globes. Normally, I am plugged into the first awards of the year, as Hollywood would sell itself out to this sham of a show. This year, I was pulling up a streaming service one night and learned it was showing – on a Tuesday night, no less!