Eat Bugs! It’s What’s For Dinner

(Source: Forbes)

Would you eat a mealworm pizza? a grasshopper stir-fry? a cricket curry? a deep-fried tarantula?

This is exactly what two teams of academics propose as the main protein source for livestock — and people.

The first team of scientists, entomologist Arnold van Huis, a Professor Emeritus with Wageningen University, chief editor of the Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, and author or co-author of several books (including cookbooks) about insects-as-food, and food scientist Laura Gasco, a professor of Animal and Veterinary Science at the University of Torino, argue that a strong case can be made for using insects (note that throughout this piece, I refer to all edible arthropods, incorrectly, as “insects” to expedite your reading) as a protein-rich feed for livestock and other food animals, such as farmed fish.