WAYNE ROOT: Meet the New House Speaker: President Donald J. Trump…Running Congress Direct From Mar-a-Lago

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)

I told you so. My plan worked. It just worked in a way I never imagined.
Like Martin Luther King, I had a dream. My dream was Trump as House Speaker. I was the first in America to propose the idea in a commentary on 1/30/21. Then I talked about it nonstop for months on my nationally-syndicated radio show. I personally lobbied President Trump in numerous appearances on my radio and TV shows. 
But Trump made it clear he never really wanted it. Trump is always number one. The Chairman of the Board. The 5 Star General. He doesn’t take orders from anyone. I think he always looked at Nancy Pelosi, Paul Ryan and John Boehner (the last 3 House Speakers) as errand boys and girls. Order takers.  So, Trump never wanted the job. Not enough star power for him.