COMMUNIST CLAMP DOWN: Lula Regime Sends in Buses to Take Thousands of Opposition Protesters to Prison, Moraes Blocks 200 Facebook Profiles, Hotels Ordered to Turn Over Guest Lists

(Source: The Gateway Pundit)

It’s like January 6th all over again.

The only thing missing is Ray Epps.

A massive crowd of tens of thousands of Brazilians descended on the capital of Brasilia on Sunday to protest the stolen October presidential elections.

The protesters stormed the National Congress and Supreme Court.

Police used tear gas to confront the protersts.  Police on horseback were attacked, Gunfire was reported.

TRENDING: Bolsonaro Condemns Vandalism, 5 Shot and 1200 Arrested as Protesters Disarm Provocateurs and Hand Them Over to Police

The people fear the communist Lula, his Supreme Court Justice Moraes, and the communists supporting their takeover of South America’s largest country.

China and their lapdog Joe Biden supported the international criminal Lula da Silva, a committed Marxist and convicted felon.