PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Prior to the pandemic, in July of 2019, the Health Ranger correctly predicted the VACCINE HOLOCAUST now taking place across the globe

(Source: Vaccine Injury News)

Almost three-and-a-half years ago, the Health Ranger Mike Adams predicted the maiming, injuring, and murdering of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. He called it a Vaccine Holocaust that would be achieved by a coordinated censorship (led by the corrupt CDC) of “all criticism of vaccines across every tech platform,” including Google, Fakebook, Twitter and YouTube.

In fact, the Health Ranger said that ALL channels containing videos or content that dared to point out vaccine-induced injuries and death that are readily available on VAERS, would be censored, banned, de-platformed, and de-funded. This was a good six months before news even began to break, with the false-narrative that the ‘novel virus’ was spreading because people were eating infected bats at a wet market in China.