Is Military Intervention underway in Brazil? It sure looks like it.

(Source: Rumble, Mickey D2)

Is it go time in Brazil? Well, folks it sure is starting to look that way!

Join me on this Monday morning in down town Joinville in southern Brazil as I bring the latest developments from what is appearing more and more to be the initial phase of President Bolsonaro’s counter attack against the communist PT Party’s attempted coup d’etat against the country.

Could we be headed towards a similar scenario to that which played out in Brazil back in 1964? Listen to hear my thoughts.

As military equipment continues to move around the country in an unprecedented manner, listen as I identify some possible prior clues we were given from Bolso’s meetings with key figures including Presidents Trump and Putin from 2019 and right up to May this year. You may be surprised to find out who else he met with. Listen to find out.