Interesting SCOTUS case hit the docket: Brunson vs Adams, et al. We have never seen anything like this before

(Source: Holding the Line With Dr. Funtimes)

Have any of you heard of Brunson vs Adams, et al?

Above is the link to the 18 page filing. I have never seen anything like this before. The history behind this case: Two brothers, Loy Brunson and Raland Brunson, both filed a court case in Utah. Loy’s case is still pending in Utah, but Raland’s case has now made it to the Supreme Court docket. As most of you probably know, getting a case docketed with SCOTUS (while it is still undecided in the 10th circuit court of appeals) is odd. How did it get here? Their case hinges on constitutional amendment violations of the right to due process. When an election has concerns of fraud, constitution allows for a 10 day investigation to look at the potential fraud questions and determine if fraud did or did not occur. This case is NOT one of election fraud, it is about congress and the senate NOT doing their oath of office and violating Amendment I to the constitution, Article VI of the constitution, the 14th Amendment of the constitution, section 3, the 5th and the 9th Amendment of the constitution, as well as a couple of Utah State Constitution articles. Most pertain to due process, the right to investigation, and not performing the 10 day investigation when questions of election fraud were presented to congress. It began in the state of Utah, then transferred to federal court when there were originally 3 defendants listed, Biden and Harris as well as Nancy Pelosi, and then 381 other defendents AND over 100 Jane/John Does to the defendent list. All are Federal Government members that are named so far.

Brunson Brothers Website