POSOBIEC: White Paper Protests Show Chinese Citizens Are Refusing to Be Slaves to CCP

(Source: Human Events)

Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec explained the current White Paper Revolution that is overtaking Chinese cities, as thousands take to the streets to protest the murderous Chinese Communist Party. The CCP for months has locked people into their own homes in an effort to curb Covid cases, though this has proven deadly, as an apartment fire left ten dead.

“For two years I lived in Shanghai,” Posobiec explained. “I lived in the Pudong district which is just north of the French concession. When I lived there, it was very interesting, because people ask me, ‘What’s it like living in China? Did you like it?’ I never know how to answer that question. I say, ‘It was interesting. I learned a lot. I learned to speak Mandarin. I learned an entirely different culture, an entirely different way of life.’ Was it safe? Sure. Because it was a police state. At the same time, I also learned what it was like to live under a totalitarian dictatorship known as the CCP.”