Toxic by Design: Big Pharma experts speak out

(Source: UK Column)

Two highly experienced pharmaceutical professionals, with very different careers in the industry, are drawn together as their individual knowledge and research shows that both governments and the industry are not telling the truth about Covid-19 vaccine safety.

Brian Gerrish and Debi Evans are delighted to be able to bring to our viewers and listeners a fascinating, though profoundly troubling, interview with Alexandra (Sasha) Latypova, a former pharmaceutical industry executive who has worked with many companies including Pfizer. Brian and Debi are also joined by Hedley Rees, who kindly facilitated this interview with Sasha.

Sasha Latypova, originally from Ukraine, has been living in the USA since the 1990s. After founding a number of successful companies focusing on clinical trial reviews, she decided to sell her companies and retire to concentrate on her art.