NBC Takes Down Story On Paul Pelosi After Running Report on TODAY Show

(Source: Conservative Brief)

Editor’s Note: Soon after the original publication of this report, NBC deleted a story Friday (11/4) that aired on “Today,” stating it “did not meet [the network’s] reporting standards.” NBC took down the story on its site with an editor’s note stating, “The piece should not have aired because it did not meet NBC News reporting standards.” We have included this editor’s note to provide more accurate information to the evolving story.

New details are emerging about what transpired last Friday when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, was attacked in their San Francisco home.

During a segment of NBC’s “Today” on Friday, reporter Miguel Almaguer said, “When officers arrived here at the Pelosi home exactly a week ago today, they initially didn’t have any idea exactly what was going on.”

Almaguer said that sources informed him that law enforcement was unaware they had been called to the home of the House speaker. The sources allegedly told NBC that the front door was opened by Paul Pelosi “after a knock and announce.”