The fall of luciferian-dominated Western Civilization is a highly disruptive but NECESSARY step for human progress: Life, liberty and freedom hang in the balance

(Source: Natural News – Mike Adams)

Today’s Situation Update podcast (below) reveals a stunning truth: Nearly all the institutions of modern Western Civilization are holding back humanity from progress, truth, liberty and happiness. Almost without exception, every Western institution — government, media, entertainment, sports, education, finance, tech, science, medicine and more — has been overtaken by anti-human, luciferian forces that push policies rooted in pure evil:

  • Child grooming, pedophilia and transgenderism maiming
  • Satanism and luciferian indoctrination
  • Transhumanism
  • Anti-human depopulation
  • Mass censorship and the suppression of human knowledge and truth (Google, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc.)
  • Mass poisoning of humanity through toxic food, toxic medicine and toxic fake news
  • Mass obedience and authoritarian control over individuals’ actions
  • Mass surveillance / total invasion of privacy and the right to be left alone
  • The dismantling of food resources (hunger / starvation / scarcity) that keep human civilization fed
  • The dismantling of energy resources that keep human economies functioning
  • Engineered bioweapons labeled “vaccines” that are designed to achieve global genocide
  • Attacks on family values, White men, straight couples, reason, rationality and normalcy
  • Attacks on the biosphere / geoengineering (see my recent bombshell interview with Dane Wigington here)