Video: The Octopus and “The Great Reset”. Peter Koenig

(Source: Global Research)


The objective of the video interview on 23 August 2022 with “Doctors for Covid Ethics” was shining light on the totality of the planned Great Reset. Though, of key importance for its implementation, covid is just one of a series of instruments. With WHO’s declaration of covid as a pandemic – let’s call it a “plandemic” – on March 11, 2020, the entire world, the 194 WHO member countries were obliged to follow the absurd, oppressive and health-damaging “measures” in lockstep.

Mask wearing, social distancing, lockdowns, followed by work-from-home, were physically and psychologically damaging, lowering peoples’ self-esteem, immune system, and social belonging. These coerced measures were dividing countries, societies and even families – applying the principle of “divide to conquer”.  These mandates were strictly forced upon society with threat of punishment – all under the false pretext of health protection, health security.

This coercion was followed in December 2020 by an intense “vaccination” campaign, also called a “vaxx drive”, with an “experimental mRNA injection”. Later, in the course of 2021, “vaxxing” was dictatorially enforced, resulting in pressure by depriving the vaxx-deniers of human rights, like preventing them from using public transportation, or in a larger sense, from traveling, from attending public events, going to restaurants, movie theatres and more.