Before The October ‘Surprise’ Comes The August-September PSYOP Polls

(Source: Zerohedge)

This isn’t a recent phenomenon.

Back in 1980, Reagan was trailing Carter trailing by 8% even in some mid-October polls. Reagan ended up winning the 1980 general election in a landslide.

In 2016, pollsters said with certitude that Hillary Clinton would be the next president. The New York Times proclaimed she has a 91 percent chance of winning. Trump won that election by a respectable margin in the electoral college.

In 2020, Trump was supposed to lose to Biden by a landslide. In reality, Trump secured 10 million more votes than in 2016, despite the media onslaught for four years, Democrat electoral malpractice, and suppression of all anti Biden stories. Trump received 7 million more votes than any sitting president in American history.

We are months before an election and various Democrat mouthpieces are doing the very same thing.