Intrabody Nano Network

(Source: Orwell City)

La Quinta Columna has shared a summary of the intra-body nano-network that forms after each inoculation the population receives. The author of this summary is Mik Andersen, owner of the research blog Corona2Inspect, who’s a renowned scientist who has chosen to collaborate with La Quinta Columna and Dr. Pablo Campra’s research under a pseudonym.

This nano-network described by Andersen is the one that would allow the neurostimulation of the population through a network designed for this purpose. 

Many indications confirm that neuromodulation is the real purpose of the operation behind the global inoculation, ranging from the enactment of neuro-rights laws in some countries to the structuring of the same nano-network that is being deciphered, which would be a very advanced military technology.

This summary originally shared in Spanish has been brought to English by Orwell City, together with an excerpt from La Quinta Columna’s program in which this work is presented.

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