The most convincing account yet of how – and why – the Mob killed JFK: New film by relative of Mafia boss sheds fresh light on the President’s assassination nearly 60 years on

(Source:  The Daily Mail)

As the most notorious boss of the Chicago Mafia since Al Capone, Sam Giancana controlled a criminal empire stretching across America.

He had an army of thugs to call on — but for two days in November 1963, he asked for help from his little brother, Pepe.

He was only a humble, illegal bookie in the Giancana empire, but Sam needed someone to chauffeur him around while the mobsters who usually did so were out of town.

As Pepe later confided to family, those men had gone to Dallas to do a job for Giancana — one that would become a seminal moment of the 20th century.

From conversations overheard at his brother’s mansion in Oak Park outside Chicago, Pepe worked out that their task was to help Lee Harvey Oswald assassinate John F Kennedy, then ensure that Oswald did not live to talk.