The Georgia Guidestones Completely Demolished Following Explosion

(Source: The Vigilant Citizen)

Dubbed “America’s Stonehenge”, the Georgia Guidestones formed a mysterious landmark in Elberton, Ga. Made of four massive slabs of granite, the Guidestones contained ten “commandments” for a new “age of reason”. My 2010 article Sinister Sites: The Georgia Guidestones explained in great detail the meaning of these commandments and the occult clues left behind by its anonymous authors.

The ten guides were engraved in eight different languages and alluded to several topics dear to the world elite such as a world court, a world language, and the guiding of human reproduction. However, it was the very first guide that made the Guidestones so controversial:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

In order to obtain a population of less than 500 million, humanity needs to be reduced by about 93%. For this reason, the Guidestones were believed to be concrete proof of the elite’s fixation with massive depopulation.