Big Pharma is about to be sued out of existence because…

(Source: State of the Nation)

There is now an overwhelming body of hard evidence that categorically proves that the American Big Pharma producers of Covid ‘vaccines’ committed intentional and egregious fraud in the roll-out of their extremely dangerous and deadly injections.

The true scope and magnitude of their fraudulent corporate conduct is only now coming to light; nevertheless, the irrefutable proof of premeditated fraud which has already been accumulated is so incriminating that Big Pharma will eventually collapse.

Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are not the only Big Pharma companies that have poisoned to death and/or sickened countless American citizens; all the other vaccine manufacturers are also culpable of perpetrating a multi-decade criminal conspiracy.  For example, both the mandatory childhood vaccination schedules and voluntary adult flu shot programs have been rife with fraud and malicious intent as the rapidly growing number of serious vaccine injuries and deaths clearly indicates. See: FLASHBACK: COURT RULES VACCINES CONTRIBUTE TO AND CAUSE SIDS DEATHS