New Poll and Congressional Dems Sweep the Leg out From Under J6 Committee

(Source: Red State)

As we reported earlier, after their hearing on Thursday, the Jan. 6 Committee is putting off more hearings until sometime in July. The report claims that they have “new tranches of evidence” that they want to look into.

So I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you if you believe this. The problem is that so far, they haven’t shown anything that is new or that would move the needle. They haven’t achieved their main purpose — to somehow nail President Donald Trump. The bottom line is no one is watching. Who wants to bet that they’re putting it off a bit so it’s a little closer to the midterms so they can make do with what they have, while also getting in their time off? A side benefit to this move? Many on the left are steaming that the Committee is taking this break.

But how do we know no one is watching? We reported on how the first night of the hearings was a trainwreck. But according to a new poll, it’s gotten worse with the subsequent hearings that were not held in primetime.