Get woke, go broke: Disney stock has plummeted 50% in just the past year – and it’s only getting worse

(Source: Law Enforcement Today)

The following editorial is the opinion of the author, a current staff writer for Law Enforcement Today. 

ANAHEIM, CA- Sorry, Mickey. Parents apparently care about their children’s welfare more than they care about your newly-found woke ideology. What’s the saying? Get woke, go broke? Welcome to karma, Disney.

The Walt Disney Company, at one time famous for producing family-friendly programming on the one hand, while gouging parents who attend their theme parks on the other, is finding out the hard way that the American people weren’t too keen with the sudden hard left turn made by the House of Mouse.

In about a one-year period, Disney has seen its stock plummet, falling about 50 percent. This as people tire of Disney’s decision to woke-ify its brand, with their latest decision to take a family favorite, Buzz Lightyear, and kick Tim Allen, who has been the longtime voice of Buzz, to the curb, a clearly political move due to Allen’s conservative leanings.

What the leftists at Disney failed to realize was that Tim Allen made Buzz Lightyear.