Pence Said To Be Heavily Favoring 2024 Presidential Bid

(Source: Conservative Brief)

Reports published on Friday suggested that former Vice President Mike Pence is heavily weighing a 2024 presidential bid, even as it remains nearly certain in many Republican circles that former President Donald Trump, his 2016 running mate, will also run.

On Thursday, as the House committee investigating the January 2021 incident at the Capitol Building held new hearings that focused a great deal on Pence’s role that day in certifying the electoral results of the 2020 election, he was far from Washington, campaigning in Ohio on behalf of incumbent GOP Gov. Mike DeWine and a Republican congressman.

Those appearances are among “the latest step in a carefully managed re-emergence onto the national political scene as he appears to lay the groundwork for a 2024 presidential campaign,” The Wall Street Journal reported on Friday.