(Source: Jeff Childers)

Last week I reported that Justin Bieber suddenly and unexpectedly developed mysterious cases of both chronic mononucleosis and Lyme disease, forcing him to cancel his current tour calendar. Unfortunately, young Mr. Bieber has now been afflicted with a third sudden and unexpected syndrome: Ramsay-Hunt Disease.

Coincidentally, Ramsay Hunt Disease comes from the chickenpox virus. After chickenpox clears up, the virus still lives in your nerves, but is under control by antibodies and doesn’t harm anything. But it can reactivate years later if your immune system becomes compromised. When it does, Ramsay Hunt Disease can sometimes affect your facial nerves.

It’s from chickenpox. In other words: shingles.

Yesterday, Bieber made a heartbreaking video for fans, demonstrating his partial facial paralysis: Justin Bieber on Instagram.