NY Times Confesses Covid Hysteria Has Given a Generation of Kids Crippling Anxiety, Massive Learning Loss

(Source: Trending Politics)

There won’t be a “we’re sorry” from the Covid-hysteria-pushing New York Times or the hordes of leftists that subjected a generation of kids to crippling anxiety and learning loss — all for a virus with a 99.9995% survival rate for schoolchildren.

All of the excuses have now been exposed. No, school mask mandates do not ‘stop the spread,’ as a recent study at ‘The Lancet’ succinctly showed. No, vaccinations and jabs do not slow transmission or ‘protect others.’ So any benefit of mass vaccinations for children with multiple jabs of the mRNA vaccines — for which there is no long-term safety data, and a proven risk of side effects — is extremely marginal, at best.