‘Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste’: Biden Official Says Food Shortages Will Lead Farmers Toward Green Energy

(Source: Daily Caller)

U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Chief Samantha Power claimed on “This Week” Sunday that food shortages will push farmers toward green energy.

Power said food prices have increased 34% globally, prompting her agency to ask Congress for assistance in easing the food shortage crisis on a global scale. She said the agency is working with farmers across the globe to transition to “natural solutions” that are, according to her, in their best interest.

“We’re working with farmers to also increase their production so you actually have more supply brought on market. Fertilizer shortages are real now because Russia’s a big exporter of fertilizer, and even though fertilizer is not sanctioned, less fertilizer is coming out of Russia,” she said. “As a result, we’re working with countries to think about natural solutions like manure and compost, and this may hasten transitions that would have been in the interest of farmers to make eventually, anyway. So, never let a crisis go to waste.”