Time Magazine Admits That 2020 Election Was “Fortified” By Coordinated Conspiracy

It is the opposite of Democracy when a secret cabal of wealthy and politically connected elites conspire to manipulate the rules and laws of an election in order to win.  Time Magazine openly admits that they view “securing the vote” and “fortifying the election” specifically as left wing groups taking steps to help Democrats win. Imagine if this had happened the other way around.  Time Magazine’s spin shows the bias of people who “fortified” the 2020 election to such an extent that American citizens on both sides will never trust the election process again.  It was a life or death situation where the side throwing a tantrum the last four years did everything they possibly could to protect the results they wanted to get.  While Time Magazine claims that Democracy was upheld because they won, the long term damage to the integrity of the system will obviously come at a very expensive price.