Trudeau’s Deputy, Chrystia Freeland, Whose Grandfather Was A Prominent Nazi And Who Is

Trudeau’s deputy, Chrystia Freeland, who is also a director of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum and the granddaughter of a prominent Nazi, says she plans to make her emergency powers permanent.

Freeland made the announcement this week after Trudeau invoked the Emergency Act on Monday.

 “As of today, a bank or other financial service provider will be able to immediately freeze or suspend an account without a court order. In doing so, they will be protected against civil liability for actions taken in good faith.” A terrible precedent against civil rights and liberties in Canada has been set. A government’s taking unlimited power over the bank accounts and financial security of its citizens is a surefire way to silence opposition. Chrystia Freeland

Via Ezra Levant from Rebel News.